senarai nahas dan kejadian pesawat komersil bahasa Inggris
- senarai: list; lists; catalog; catalogue; roll; name;
- nahas: calamity; casualty; cataclysm; disaster; crash;
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- kejadian: event; experience; happening; incident; instance;
- pesawat: aero-space craft; crew man; gone on board; went
- komersil: commercial
- agensi penyiasatan nahas dan kejadian penerbangan: aviation accident organisations
- komersil dan administratif: commercial and administrative
- nahas: calamity; casualty; cataclysm; disaster; crash; accident; catastrophe; wreck; fatal accident; tragedy
- senarai pesawat: lists of aircraft
- senarai pesawat eksperimen: list of experimental aircraft
- senarai senjata pesawat: list of aircraft weapons
- kejadian: event; experience; happening; incident; instance; occurance; occurence; occurrence; genesis; occasion; matter; case; occurrent; scene; example; thing; origin; issue; beginning; start; illustration;
- kejadian.: happening
- senarai kemalangan membabitkan pesawat tentera: list of accidents and incidents involving military aircraft